Donation Requests
The Petropolitan is committed to giving back to the community! If you would like to request a donation for an organization, you can submit your request to
In order to be considered it is important to include the following information when submitting a request for a donation:
- Requestor name
- E-mail address
- Phone number
- Organization and/or Event name – request should be on official organization letterhead
- Type of request (ex. Silent auction item, gift certificate for door prize or raffle, financial sponsorship, etc.)
- Date and location donation will be used
- Event audience estimated size, demographic information if available
- Deadline for item needed
- Website with more information about the event or organization
- Supporting documents if applicable
- How will the proceeds of the event be used?
We appreciate you considering us as a supporter of your event! We carefully consider each request and strive to support as many organizations as possible. Please allow at least (2) two weeks processing and follow up time. Thank you!