Killarney Valentine’s Day Party

Is there a better way to celebrate love than surrounded by furry friends?! We got to experience the best Valentine’s Day Party with the adorable dogs at our Killarney location this week!

Our Valentine’s Day party is something we look forward to each year and we’re always so excited to see what valentines our wonderful clients put together for the doggy-valentine exchange. Sending you and your pup home with a goodie box full of treats for you and your dog makes our hearts happy!

We started our party day with adorable photos in our Photo Booth, gave the dogs a helping-paw in making paw print valentines for their special human and then headed to the party to play and eat treats with all the furry friends!

Parties are a great way for your dog to engage in a different social experience while in our care, in addition to being incredibly cute and fun!

Our team truly felt all the love from our human and dog clients and we love being able to celebrate these fun days with the best pooches around!

Take a look at our Photo Booth and party fun:

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